What We Do
The PTSA does so much at CHS! We organize and fund senior activities, student clubs and recognition, staff appreciation, teacher mini-grants and stipends, staff initiatives, student clubs, campus beautification, and much more.

Staff Hospitality
& Teacher Appreciation
We love our staff! And we show our love by serving homemade lunches, making staff meetings more fun, and offering our appreciation all year long.
Community Grounds Day
Twice a year we organize a day long event to IMProve the grounds at Cary High. Students, staff, parents, and community members come together to plant gardens, spread mulch, and spruce up campus.

Arts IMPact
We're spreading art all over campus! By supporting arts classes at CHS and working with local artists, the CHS PTSA is committed to creating inspiring spaces on campus through murals and art installations.
Senior Activites
Celebrating Seniors is one of Cary High's most cherished traditions! From Senior Muffins and the Senior Breakfast to the spring picnic and graduation events, we make sure our seniors have a memorable year.

Family Movie Night
Join us for Movie Night! Serval times a year, we invite students and families to enjoy a movie on campus. We offer free snacks and admission and encourage students to participate in themed contests to win prizes.
Staff Stipends & Grants
The Stipends and Grants Program allows teachers and staff to apply for funds that support innovative projects and purchase new teaching tools that engage students and bring lessons to life.

Student Clubs
One of the great things about Cary High is that students have so many ways to get involved and find their voices. The PTSA offers support to student clubs to make sure every student at CHS finds their place to shine.
Stipends & Grants
PTSA stipends and grants offer CHS staff funds to support innovative projects and provide new teaching tools that engage students and bring lessons to life.

The National PTA Reflections contest gives students a chance to express themselves through dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, or visual arts.